

America’s #1 Cocoa Butter Brand

Show Yourself Love

As a 175+ year-old legacy brand, Palmer’s had become stagnant, focusing on transactional style advertising that wasn’t attracting a younger audience. The brand was missing heart. We looked to change that.

Our 360° campaign, Show Yourself Love, is about preaching, teaching, and celebrating the practice of self-love, in the mirror, where it really begins and ends.



Not only did we shift how the brand appeared, but where it appeared. We re-created assets to feel platform native and engaged Influencers to help deliver the message. This was done with great effect, as we increased Palmer’s TikTok following by 67k+ in 4 months.


Post Copy: The hardest person to love can be yourself 🧡 but we know you can do it. #ShowYourselfLove

Post Copy: Try combining self love and self care with Cocoa Butter; it’ll nourish the soul and your skin.

Post Copy: Our natural products are passed down for generations, along with other loving traditions. 🧡

Post Copy: Moms-to-be, we know your busy loving others, but make sure to #ShowYourselfLove 🧡